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Water. I’ve covered this topic a bit like here and most recently here. But since “repetition is the mother of retention”… here we go again. This time, we’ll dig a little deeper.

Hair Tip Tues 10-29-13

How Does Water Intake Affect My Hair?

The body is composed of about 60% to 70% water. Some of that water is lost throughout the day from things like urination, sweating and even just breathing. Therefore, we need to replace that lost fluid daily in order to stay hydrated and be healthy. If we don’t, we become dehydrated which will have an adverse affect on our hair {and yes, our bodies as well}. Our hair follicles receive their nutrients from our blood which is about 85% water. No water → no nutrients → no healthy hair.

But, How Much is “Enough” Water?

While many of us may have heard that we should drink at least 64 oz. of water per day (or eight to ten 8 oz glasses), how much water a person needs to drink to stay properly hydrated will depend on the individual. Did you know that you get about 20% of your water intake from fruits and veggies? That said, if you’re eating plenty of these babies, you may not need as much actual water as someone who doesn’t.

A good way to know if you’re getting enough water is to take a gander at your urine. If it’s more on the pale side or even clear, congratulations! You’re good. If it’s leaning more towards a darkish yellow, then you may wanna step up your water game! I simply make sure I’m drinking as much water as possible throughout the day. I don’t keep track of ounces… at all. Who needs that kind of pressure?! LOL!

water art-4

What Can I Do To Make Sure I’m Getting Enough?

Here are a few things that have helped me:

  • Keep a bottle of water with you every where you go and every where you will go. In other words, in addition to carrying a bottle in your bag, keep a bottle at work, in your car, your gym locker… EVERYWHERE!
  • Start gradually replacing your meal beverages with water until you can limit yourself to having only one non-water beverage per day. You may have to force yourself in the beginning if you’re not much of a water drinker.
  • Eat more fruits and veggies. As stated before, they account for some of your water intake.
  • Drink teas. There are hundreds of delicious and nutritious herbal teas out there to choose from. I like to use a natural sweetener like agave nectar. This is for those who can’t take water’s lack of taste. ^_^

The moral of the story: if you want healthy hair, start from the inside! Drink more water.

How do YOU make sure you’re taking in enough water every day?